Friday, December 19, 2008

Getting ready for Christmas

The Watkins and Herfel's have been getting ready for the merriment. This weekend will bring Dave's family and a drive to southern Wisconsin. Ingrit has outgrown her infant car seat and will be riding in style in her new big girl car seat. The infant seat is made for babies up to 30 pounds and Ingers is less than 17, but her head reaches nearly the top of the seat and her legs hang over the edge of the seat. Time for new digs.

Buying a car seat is really hard. There must be a 100 models to choose from and you can easily start to feel like a bad parent for not buying the $300 model--It must be safer, right?? Not so according to my research, but the snack tray and cup holders were much classier, the fabric was much cuter, and the name felt good to say. I so never ever thought I'd have brand affinity for anything related to transporting children...handbags, toothpaste, deodorant, shoes, facial tissue? alright, I get all that, but a car seat? I never woulda dreamt it.

We're spending Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with my family at my folks' house. (Super excited to see Auntie Kathy and Cousin Erin in from San Francisco!) Jack always looks forward to hanging out with Buddy and Teddy too.

We've had to set aside our commitment to buy nothing new to buy our Christmas presents. I think we could have done it if we'd planned ahead better, but oh well. At least on a daily basis we've reduced our consumption and waste. Not to brag or anything, but we have like one kitchen-sized bag of trash a week nowadays. Incredible how much packaging goes around EVERYTHING new and how little goes around anything USED.

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