Sunday, February 22, 2009

Weekend Updates, Fish, Hummus and Crawling!

Ingrit and Mommy went to Underwater World at the Mall of America yesterday. We liked it. The goal was to learn the sign for "fish". Well, we'll see, but she got to see a whole bunch of fish! She seemed to really like this giant turtle that swam right up to her face.

Last night we went to an Attachment Parenting Meet Up potluck at one of the women's houses. That was really fun. The husbands/partners and the babies and kids were there. It's so nice to sit and talk and watch the babies play with people who are like minded in child-growing. And all of the kids were very cute. And Ingrit likes hummus with fresh tomato slices. MMMM....a kid after my own tummers.

Ingrit seems to be making friends with one little girl. And she watched in wonder as the others crawled all around. A couple minutes into watching them all crawl, Ingrit started crawling too! Guess she just needed to be sold on the concept. You should see her go baby go!

Today we went to the Children's Museum with G and G W. Ingrit's probably a little young for most of it, but we played in the "habitot" area and she found a favorite thing. Today's favorite thing was a play mail box full of play mail. No surprise since Ingers loves mail. I think every time she goes she'll find a new favorite thing.

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