Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Baby you can drive my car

Ingrit's digging the bath time nowadays. She outgrew her infant tub and has moved into the kitchen sink lined with a towel. Looking at her long legs, we're thinking this isn't going to work for long!
First Thanksgiving went well. I don't think Ingrit's really into other babies though. All she wanted to do with her 8 month old cousin was to take his pacifier away from him. Funny because I couldn't for the life of me get her to take one when I tried! Oh well. Guess it's true, you want what someone else has or the grass is greener. Whatever.
Favorite foods?
sweet potatoes
chicken with applesauce
banana orange medley (gerber)
She's sitting up pretty and on her own now. Nowhere near crawling, but I think she's realized it's a primitive form of transportation. She's more into driving. She test drove some cars and decided on a scion xb. Daddy and Mommy like it too.
Other favorite mode of travel is a side rider position in the maya wrap.
Favorite pals?
lamb raddle
silly monkey
Jack (the real dog)
Two teeth to report! Front center bottom choppers. They're so sharp and straight and white. They're really sharp. Really sharp. Sharp.
Grandma Bonnie, Ingrit, a friend or mine from work, her two kids and I went to the Macy's auditorium Christmas display. The theme was a Day in the Life of the Elves. It was cute. Ingrit sat on Santa's lap.

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